Tribes merged.
For the immunity challenge the players were randomly put into two groups:
Group 1: Boo, Cassandra, Earl, Edguardo & Yau-man
Group 2: Alex, Dre, Michelle, Mookie & Stacey
The losing group went to tribal council.
Voted Out: Michelle
Votes:Alex, Dre & Stacey voted Michelle
Michelle & Mookie voted Stacey
Who's Left: Alex, Boo, Cassandra, Dre, Earl, Edguardo, Mookie, Stacey & Yau-man
HC' Take:
Man, I hate these random elements! They're turning Survivor more into a game of Russian roulette than something you need to develop a game plan for. If the producers of Survivor really want to take control of the game away from the players, why not just start taking them out randomly?
Anyway, although I feel bad for Michelle - she was well placed in the game and did nothing to facilitate this outcome - I can't blame those who voted for her for doing so. In fact, anything else would have been a mistake. Even Mookie is better off with Michelle gone. I know he saw her as his ally but I believe he was sitting, at best, fifth in Earl's mind while Michelle was likely third. Michelle wouldn't have been able to protect him and wouldn't have risked her position to stab Earl. Now Earl has a void to fill and if Mookie can play his cards right (which he won't) he could fill that void.
Although Mookie and Dre both see themselves as playing brilliantly thus far, they're not. They are not highly valued by either of the power players in this game and they can't continue to play both sides. It won't work. I was also disappointed with Alex's and Ed's decision to target Boo (even though that opportunity was taken away from them). Alex seems to think this will force Stacey to side with him but it could so easily backfire. Stacey could easily walk into Michelle's vacant position too. Alex, if you want to kill the beast, shoot for the head and target Earl. There are just too many players trying to manage too many people in this game. Build your alliance, stick with 'em, and screw everyone else. It ain't rocket science.
Thur far, Earl and Yau-man are playing the best game, but here went another opportunity for them to throw a challenge. With Yau on the stick recovering pieces and he and Earl doing the puzzle at the end, the opportunity was there without it even looking suspicious. Earl, Yau and Cassandra gets rid of Edguardo and the wind is taken right out of Alex's sails.
I completely agree with you on all points.
As this episode unfolded I was finally getting interested in this season. What had been a relatively boring season so far suddenly became fascinating. I would have been perfectly content to see who sided with whom in a traditional ten-person vote. The dynamics were intriguing, and I really wanted to whether Boo really would end up out, or whether he would wake up and realize that a coup was necessary. But then they went and put a stupid wrench in the plan and screwed Michelle in the process.
As for Earl and Yau, they once again missed an opportunity to take a commanding position in the game.
I'm going to give Alex the benefit of the doubt and say that he's doing the best he can with the hand he's been dealt.
The sad fact is, most of these contestants are terrible at Survivor strategy. (Lisi may possibly be the worst to ever play the game.) The reality for the stronger players is, they must do the best with what they have -- a handful of unpredictable, inneffectual, or disinterested players. It must be terribly hard to garner support and execute on a strategic plan when you cannot rely on anyone to make a rational decision.
Next week could turn out to be pretty interesting. There are two solid alliances of three (Alex/Ed/Stacy and Earl/Yau/Cassandra) with three wild cards in the middle. Mookie, Dreamz and Boo will be force to choose a side. I doubt any of them will make a smart decision, but at least it will be interesting to see how the votes fall.
Assuming they don't do something stupid with immunity again. :/
Like you, I was really enjoying the episode until the stupid twist. I would have loved to have seen how the Boo thing would have played out. I suspected Earl would have liked the idea and Alex would have felt he had everything going his way - potentially very entertaining.
It is funny that Michelle, who had every reason to feel she should be going deep into this game, was gracious in her fairwell testimonial while Rocky and Lisi, who lasted longer than they had any right too, moaned liked spoiled two-year-olds.
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