Saturday, September 22, 2007

Announcing My Retirement

I'm announcing my retirement from the whole Survivor thing.

I've always had a tendency to be obsessive about hobbies, ride them into the ground, and then move on to something else.

I do apologize for that, but, to be fair, the Survivor obsession did last longer than most. It was obvious that I no longer cared when Survivor China premiered and I couldn't work up the desire to watch the stupid thing. The truth is, I don't think the show has anything else to show us. I don't believe there is anything else worth talking about.

But don't you worry, my obsessive nature is still raw and intact. I've began just a regular old blog called Mike's World (yes, I know, far from original) that you are more than welcome to drop in on.

Congratulations Survivor and CBS, you're show outlasted me.



Anonymous said...

I hear ya. I managed to watch the first episode but just really didn't care. I'll let you know if I ever get on the show and you can come out of retirement ;-) Thanks for the great analyses; it's been fun!

Anonymous said...

I'll miss you, too. I've enjoyed all your analyses.

Best wishes to you.

I'll probably watch this season to look at China.

I've been turned off by the casting and the twists ( I call them stunts) in the past few years. This used to be my favorite show. I used to watch it both live and on tape. Last season, I watched one episode live and flushed all the ones on tape.

I miss Richard, Tina, Brian, and Rob C.

Thank you for all the fish.

Unknown said...
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HCIsland said...

Thanks, guys.

The "stunts" have been a big part of why I've lost interest. The show was much better when folks were not so sure how to play. Now, too many people hit the beach thinking they're the next Richard Hatch.